The Power of a Seed

By Bethany Maronde When I hold it in my hand, it is so tiny, yet so powerful. Thousands of years of intelligence are stored in the genetic code. A tiny seed has known times of drought, poor soil, harsh conditions. It also knows exactly what to do when it is in times...
An Incredible Opportunity

An Incredible Opportunity

What in the world am I doing? I am carrying Charlotte on one hip and dragging a 25 foot fallen tree on the other side. Sweat rolls down my face, rolls down my back, drenches my shirt. Put Charlotte down, lift tree onto brush pile, stop to take a breath, wipe the sweat...
The Depths of His Love

The Depths of His Love

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My spade can reach, when digging in your sight For the ends of working at an ideal pace. I love thee to the level of every day’s Shovelful, from sun up to candle-light. I love...