by Timm Heath | May 30, 2024 | Heath farm
As surely as a seed will grow when planted in the ground, God’s Word, as surely, makes us know: In Christ we’re homeward bound. Our confidence before God’s throne is fruit of His Great Word. This gift was sown, to grow and thrive, the moment we first...
by Timm Heath | May 10, 2023 | Heath farm
This is a guest post from LIRA partners Rev. Timm & Hannah Heath, whose humble homestead grows in New York State’s Southern Tier. …let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let...
by Hannah Heath | May 4, 2023 | Heath farm
If the idea of appropriate limitation seems unacceptable to us, that may be because, like Marlowe’s Faust and Milton’s Satan, we confuse limits with confinement. But that, as I think Marlow and Milton and others were trying to tell us, is a great and...
by Hannah Heath | Dec 23, 2022 | Heath farm
In September, as our garden was in full production mode, my mind began to be pulled toward next year’s garden. The garden is always about next year. This year we had 2 families subscribe to a 20 week CSA and I used every inch of my two tiny garden beds to fill...
by Timm Heath | Sep 9, 2022 | Heath farm
This is a guest post from LIRA partners Rev. Timm & Hannah Heath, whose humble homestead grows in New York State’s Southern Tier. Before God formed the far-flung depths of the cosmos, He shaped the earth and called the first crop of life out of the ground...
by Timm Heath | Sep 7, 2022 | Heath farm
By Hannah Heath This is a guest post from LIRA partners Rev. Timm & Hannah Heath, whose humble homestead grows in New York State’s southern tier. At any given moment of the day my husband can bellow a resounding “WHO ARE WE?” and from every room will...