Old Supporting LIRA

Our Mission:

The Lutheran Institute of Regenerative Agriculture will teach the rich heritage of Western civilization alongside the rich heritage of pasture-based agriculture, providing summer work and apprenticeship opportunities for young people, primarily the students of Luther Classical College, and hosting conferences and retreats for the Church and world.

To fulfill this task, we need help, and encouragement. We need willing hands. Most of all, we need your prayers.

  1. Like and share our Facebook page – then follow along
  2. Subscribe to our e-mail list for regular progress updates
  3. Consider supporting this work with a financial donation through Better World.
  4. Come out to the farm for a visit, or perhaps even come to pitch in! Send us an email to volunteer: lutheransinag@gmail.com

With your help you are supporting this mission to offer rich learning experiences for the youth and families of our church. Your generous donations will help support students who come to LIRA and families who attend retreats and conferences.  Regular donations will support the students who will come to LIRA, providing scholarship and housing opportunities, as well as assisting us to promote the mission of LIRA to the Lutheran world. Scholarship funds will allow LIRA to bring more students on to the farm and compensate them for summer work or for their apprenticeship. Funds are needed to help transform the big, beautiful, well-built barn into living and learning space. We will also occasionally have special campaigns for certain specific infrastructure projects on the property, which will be advertised here and through our newsletter. No funds will go toward living expenses for Pastor Maronde and his family, nor for the restoration of the farmhouse that will be their home, nor for farm operation expenses.

All funds donated to LIRA will be managed by a board selected for that purpose from an LCMS congregation.